Kategoriarkiv: Aktuelt

Registration for EUROCK 2017: June 20 – 22 in Ostrava, Czech Republic is open!

This Symposium is the common endeavour of the Czech National Group of the ISRM and the Institute of Geonics of the Czech Academy of Sciences.

Early bird registration fees are open until January 31, 2017 as well as a special price for young colleagues at the age up to 35. The number of up to 35 years old participants is limited; your participation will depend on the order of entries.

We are very pleased that the following famous rock mechanics experts have already accepted our invitation to present their keynote lectures:

  • Prof. Heinz Konietzky – Simulation of Hydraulic Fracturing
  • Prof. Frederic Pellet – Rock Mechanics meeting the challenge of geo-energies
  • Dr. Jiri Ptacek – Rockbursts in hardcoal mining in the Czech Part of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin
  • Prof. Walter Wittke – Design based on the Anisotropic Jointed Rock Model (AJRM)
  • Prof. Arno Zang – Fatigue Hydraulic Fracturing

In addition, four one-day workshops will be organized before the Symposium (June 19, 2017):

  • Workshop on Destress blasting in rock mass •Workshop on X-ray computed tomography in geosciences •Workshop on Utilization of water jets for exploitation and processing of geomaterials •Workshop on Simulation of fractured rock masses (ITASCA)

Technical trips in the vicinity of the Moravian-Silesian region and surroundings including hardcoal and uranium underground mining and interesting underground constructions will be organized at the end of the Symposium. Please note that number of participants of technical trips is limited due to security reasons; your participation will depend on the order of entries.

Har du husket å melde deg på høstens årlige Fjellsprengningskonferanse?

Fjellsprengningsdagen samler hver høst rundt 800 personer. Sammen med Bergmekanikk- og Geoteknikkdagen er arrangementet et av de største årlige tekniske arrangement i Norge.

Konferansen er en arena for nettverksbygging – møt kolleger, kunder og konkurrenter i en hyggelig atmosfære!

Hvor: Radisson Blu Scandinavia Hotel, Oslo Når: 24-25. november 2017

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