Nye studentmedlemmer vil fremover få tilsendt Rite in the Rain N°540F | Geological fieldbook. Den perfekte notatbok i felt, med vannfast papir.
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Nye studentmedlemmer vil fremover få tilsendt Rite in the Rain N°540F | Geological fieldbook. Den perfekte notatbok i felt, med vannfast papir.
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The American Rock Mechanics Association invites you to submit an abstract to the 57th U.S. Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium in Atlanta, Georgia, on 25-28 June 2023. See: https://atlanta2023.armarocks.org/authors/
The technical program will focus on advances and innovative applied research in rock mechanics and geomechanics. Technical tours and field trips are planned. Short courses and workshops will be held prior to the symposium.
Symposium on Rock Mechanic and Rock Engineering in Reykjavik, Iceland May 2023
Åpent for abstracts frem til 15. desember!
Interesse for å holde foredrag på Bergmekanikkdagen 2022 er nå åpent. Ta kontakt på [email protected]
Hold av fredag 25. november!