Nordic Grouting Symposium – NGS 2022

October 4-6, 2022, Stockholm, Sweden


In line with the Nordic tradition of Grouting symposiums, we are proud to host the 10th Nordic Grouting Symposium, 4-6 October 2022 in Stockholm, Sweden.

On behalf of the Swedish Rock Engineering Association, we would now like to invite you to submit abstracts for the symposium.
The two-day symposium (5-6 October 2022) will be an excellent opportunity to meet colleagues once again, to discuss common fields of interest and exchange experiences. The symposium themes include a range of topics, as well as a workshop as part of the program. Environmental aspects, grouting cases, novel methods for grouting execution and hydraulic tests are just a few of the topics this symposium aims to present. The call for abstracts is now open!

Excursions will take place on the afternoon, on the day preceding the conference (4 October 2022).

A short course “Fundamentals of grouting” which welcomes new and young employees in the industry will also take place on the 4th of October. The course is not included in the Symposium program – the program and the registration will be announced later at this website.

See you in Stockholm in 2022!


Call for abstracts is now open – please visit

Meld deg på Bergmekanikkdagen 26. november i Oslo!

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Kvikkleireskredet ved Kråknes i Alta 3. juni 2020

Anders Samstad Gylland, Multiconsult

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Eivind Schnell Juvik, Statens vegvesen

Løsmassetunnel, Drammen

Lise Backer, Bane NOR




Møteleder: Hanne E. Wiig, Bane NOR, leder NBG

Lederens 10 minutter

Hanne E. Wiig, Bane NOR

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– erfaringer fra den nye Skarvbergtunnelen

Guro Einan Bøgeberg, Norconsult og Erlend Skretting, NGI

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Hui Lu, Multiconsult

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Mari Lie Arntsen, NGU

12:00 – 12:45

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– from tunnels to Prekestolen to El Capitan to Everest

Nick Barton, NB&A, Høvik

Dynamiske 3d-modeller av geologi

Bjørn Kaisen Pran, NGI og Stian André Løkken, Geovita

Digital rock mass mapping and implementing in rock support design

Mahdi Shabanimashcool, NGI

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Espen Torgersen, NGU

Bruk av deformasjonsmålinger for stabilitetsvurderinger av brufundament

Ragna Torås Halseth, Norconsult

Forbedrede forundersøkelser. Oppsummering av 20 års utviklingsarbeid

Jan Steinar Rønning, NGU

Trykktunneler og spenningsmålinger

– forslag til forenklet jekketest for estimering av minste hovedspenning

Henki Ødegaard, Multiconsult

Uttrekksforsøk på innstøpte fjellstag i alunskifer

Jan Bergh-Christensen, JBC Invest AS

Svake bergarter med fokus på leirskifer

Erik Endre, Rambøll