NBG Årsmøte 2020 Innkalling med vedlegg
Innkalling og sakspapirer
Vårsleppet 2020: Fotogrammetri og bruk av 3D modeller for stabilitetsvurderinger
Vi vil få et innlegg fra ingeniørgeolog Freddy Yugsi (Sweco), et innlegg fra Dr. Mateusz Janiszewski fra Aalto Universitet (Finland), og ingeniørgeolog Jessica Ka Yi Chiu (NGI). Alle foredragsholdere vil gi oss et innblikk i hvordan fotogrammetri kan nyttiggjøres i vår bransje for å løse både vanlige og komplekse stabilitetsproblemer ved blant annet 3D-identifisering av geologiske strukturer på bergskjæringer og i tunneler.
Arrangementet er gratis for medlemmer av NBG, men krever påmelding. Er du ikke medlem? Meld deg inn her.
Vi starter med årsmøte, fortsetter med innlegg og avslutter med tapas, vel møtt!
NBG anbefaler: Two Free Online Courses in Reservoir Geomechanics
Reservoir Geomechanics
Mark D. Zoback, Stanford University Department of Geophysics
This course encompasses the fields of rock mechanics, structural geology, earthquake seismology and petroleum engineering to address a wide range of geomechanical problems that arise during the exploitation of oil and gas reservoirs. To date, over 10,000 people, principally college students and industry professionals, have completed the course. The course considers key issues such as the state of stress, prediction of pore pressure, estimation of hydrocarbon column heights and fault seal potential, determination of optimally stable well trajectories, casing set points and mud
weights, changes in reservoir performance during depletion, and production-induced faulting and subsidence. This is a practical course for geoscientists and engineers in the petroleum and geothermal industries, and for researchers interested in the state of stress and its application to problems of faulting and fluid flow in the crust. The text of the course is Reservoir Geomechanics by Mark Zoback, available from Cambridge University Press and Amazon in print or Electronic versions.
Registration opens February 1, 2020. Course begins February 10, 2020
NBG anbefaler: NORQUA ekskursjon med NGU 9-12. juni
The 2019 NORDQUA excursion will be held in the northwestern and middle part of Norway. The excursion will be organized jointly by the Geological Survey of Norway and the University of Bergen. The excursion will be made a Master- and PhD course from the University of Bergen, and we hope to have a good mix of students and professionals attending.
The main topics of the excursion are glacial and sea-level history, and records of avalanches, from quick clay slides to rock failures. We will start from the city of Ålesund on the coast of western Norway and end up in Trondheim in Norways middle part. The excursion will take us through beautiful coastal scenery of the strandflat, via dramatic alpine fjord and valley topography to the open, undulating landscapes of raised marine clays in mid Norway. Scientific highlights include:
- The Skjonghelleren cave that made history both in terms of glacial geology and palaezoology
- Marine to lacustrine sequences with Vedde ash
- Stacked raised deltas separated by till
- The Mannen rock avalanche cluster and unstable slope
- Rock avalanching onto ice and into ice free valleys
- Holocene rock slope deformation that lead to a partial catastrophic failure while large deformed parts today still threat the valley
- The Ivasnesen rock slope instability and the Norwegian system to classify hazard and risk of unstable rock slopes
- The 2012 Byneset quick clay slide within a marine terraced landscape
Information about registration, travel, costs etc. will be announced later. For now, set aside the dates June 9-12, 2019 for a scenic and scientifically interesting excursion with friends and colleagues. We hope to see as many as possible of you next year.
Reginald Hermanns, Paula Hilger, Eiliv Larsen, Inger-Lise Solberg and John-Inge Svendsen