Kategoriarkiv: Aktuelt

Call for Abstracts

1st SLRMES Conference on Rock Mechanics for Infrastructure and GeoResources Development  Colombo, Sri Lanka, December 2 -7, 2023

Participants are invited to submit 1-2-page Abstracts on any rock
mechanics/engineering topic related to the aforementioned theme. The
deadline to receive the abstracts is April 30, 2023. Information on the
conference and procedures to submit abstracts are given on the website:

More information here: Call for Abstracts, Short Courses, Workshops, Exhibitors, and Sponsors

NROCK 2023

?The IV Nordic Symposium on Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering Reykjavik Iceland 24 – 26 May 2023

We can promise a very interesting symposium, with diverse and exciting presentations and we especially recommend both the field excursions (on Friday and Saturday), which we find very exciting.

We had a volcanic eruption in the Reykjanes Peninsula (where the Friday excursion is heading) in 2021 and 2022. Now we are into an era of extreme volcanic activity in this area and we do actually expect a new volcanic eruption in 2023!

Our Keynote 4 speaker will be our guide on this tour, which makes this an unique opportunity we are very proud of.

Early bird registration until March 15th!